Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Things I Learned Today

Here are some things that I learned today...

1. Little guys have bigger eyes than stomachs at a donut shop first thing in the morning. Monitor what they order and say "no."

2. When you take your car to "the shop" they may not get to it for a long, long time.

3. Changing baby hangers for big hangers in your child's closet is heartbreaking. But in a good way.

4. Some women are simply too old (and some too fat) to sport a string bikini in public. Please ladies, let's use discretion and not try to kid ourselves.

5. Reapply sunscreen. Enough said.

6. Staying away from sweets is not so hard. It just requires a little discipline and willpower.

7. My son is thoughtful and generous. He gave me $1.50 from his wallet (his idea) so I could get a drink at the aquatic park today and has told me all evening that I do not have to pay him back. Precious.

8. I love my family and my friends more than I express.

9. Being so sore from working out that it REALLY hurts to laugh is a good thing.

10. I married my soulmate and best friend. He is the absolute best.

Think about your day tomorrow...what did you learn and did it make you better? Today was an ordinary kind of day but I sure learned a lot.


becca said...

wow, you transitioned to big hangers long before I :) My kids are all still on kid hangers. Probably b/c it is faster for me to get something on one of them. Noah has some shirts that won't work on one, but for the most part, they work fine and I'm in no rush!

Robin and Stephen said...

Oh my gosh, how thoughtful is Henry! So cute!

Leah said...

I love this. Everything about it. Especially #s 1, 4, 7, and 8. :)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it great to KNOW he is the one for you? Totally agree about the bikin thing and working out is painful, but in the long run it does pay off a little. Henry is a sweetie and I will miss seeing his face every Sunday morning. We need to get together more often. Enjoy your last few days of freedom!

Cassie said... said...

Hey, just found your blog & added you to my read list!