Friday, September 4, 2009

First Grade

We officially have a first grader in our house. It is so hard for me to believe!!
Henry really likes school. He tells us his favorite subject is math and this week he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence by his teacher for "Marvelous Mathematician."

Henry told me I could not take any pictures on the first day of school, but I did anyway. His facial expressions tell the story.

I love this picture...little tongue sticking out and all.

We were able to snap a picture of Henry and his classmates doing the pledge before we left. What a sweet picture!!


becca said...

LOVE that picture!!

Leah said...

you look gorgeous in that picture with henry. is that black or navy with the pink? and your hair is getting so long!!! woo hoo!!! i love all his little crazy faces, too.

Cassie said... said...

just wait...the whole "don't take pictures" gets a lot worse.