He was in the bathroom a few days ago and obviously spent some time thinking while in there because he came out and asked, "Mom, how come his name is Santa Claus when he doesn't even have any claws???" Hilarous!
Here is one more picture to share. I just figured out how to use pictures I take with my phone, so I hope to share more of those. Henry (sometimes) likes to go with me to Wal-Mart, but lately wants me to "bury" him under the groceries. This was a couple of weeks ago. He is completely covered but was quick to point out that he could still talk to me. He was careful not to cover up his mouth. People walking by wouldn't see him at first and would crack up laughing when they saw him. I think he definitely has Scottie's sense of humor!
We are having a great Christmast time and look forward to spending time with family and friends!