From Kindergarten, that is.
Yesterday we celebrated a milestone in the life of our little man...Kindergarten Graduation. What a great and funny celebration complete with songs like "My Country Tis of Thee" and "There's a Great Big Turnip at the Bottom of the Field" and as you can see, the traditional cap and gown. They even marched into the "cafetorium" to "Pomp and Circumstance." Hilarious. But while I was chuckling to myself at this oh so cute time in our lives, I am reminded how quickly the next 12 years will go. It was a little bittersweet to think about how fast time goes by and how quickly we will be celebrating the REAL graduation. The BIG graduation. I am reminded to make the most of every day with Henry because before I am ready, he will be heading off to college. So for now, I will cherish the time with him.

"There's A Great Big Turnip at the Bottom of the Field"
Walking across the stage.